Even with the rise of online learning, books are still one of the best and easiest ways to learn new business and marketing concepts. They can even completely change the way you run your business! Here are eight recommendations by our Fiber Business Collective coaches and members that we think are the best small business books to help your business!
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The Best Small Business Books for Spring 2024
Coach Jen's Pick
by David Epstein
"One book I would recommend specifically for [fiber business owners] is Range. We do so many DIFFERENT things, and we get so attached to a particular definition of success.
For me, suspending that mindset and replacing it with a mindset that no experience is wasted helps me stay in a place where I'm responding to what's happening ‘now.’" - Coach Jen Paroccini
Coach Julie's Pick
You are a Badass at Making Money
by Jen Sincero
"[This book] helped me start to shift my ideas about exchanging money for my labor as an entrepreneur.
Having a job with a wage made sense to me, but the idea of little ol' me charging money for my services and creations felt criminal. I default to a scarcity mindset with money, and that has served me well in a lot of ways, but as a business owner it has also held me back.
Sincero talks about money as a resource, something that can be used and renewed, and that really resonated with me." - Coach Julie
Coach Anastasia's Pick
The Art of Gathering
by Priya Parker
“This book is such a wonderful frame of reference for those of us who are trying to build any form of ‘community’ in this industry.
Whether it's in-person or online, this book gives so many ideas for enhancing group experiences." - Coach Anastasia
Community Manager Greg's Pick
Whole Farm Management
by Garry Stephenson
"As a shepherd, the business books that most resonate with me are those on farm management. Whole Farm Management encourages you to look at your business from a holistic perspective. This is so important because every aspect of our business and life impacts how our business operates and manages our quality of life.
This book comes with supplemental worksheets that help [you] walk through these planning steps and apply them in a whole business approach.
This book is ideal for both fiber farmers and fiber business owners, who could use the same concepts to establish a sound strategy." - Community Manager Greg
Kristina's Pick
Unreasonable Hospitality
by Will Guidara
"If you want tips and examples on how to provide better service to your customers and clients, you’ll find it here. But that’s not really what this book is about.
This book proves that service is maybe the single noblest profession if it’s done right - the positive impact your service can have on another’s life can be massive.
The biggest takeaway for me is that to have such an impact, you must not only endeavor to serve your customers outrageously well, but your collaborators and colleagues and employees too.
This book maintains that unreasonable hospitality, coupled with being exceedingly proficient at what you do, is the secret to success. And proves it." - Kristina McGrath, Tech Tip Talk
Jule's Pick
Stories of Fashion, Textiles and Place
by Leslie Davis Burns and Jeanne Carver
“I think this book is a must-read for anyone involved in the fiber or fashion industries. Not only does it emphasize the importance of sustainability in supply chains, but it really drives home how strongly the story of a material and where it comes from impact our craft. As fiber artists, we cannot separate our work from the work of those growing and processing the fibers we use.
This book highlights how vital it is to connect the origin of the raw material with every step in the production of a finished product in order to fully understand its value and create a sustainable business.” - Jules Williams, Juliette Pecaut Designs
Catherine's Pick
How to Be You
by Jeffrey Marsh
“Something that's been coming up for me a lot in my design work lately is authenticity and how critically important it is for artists to remain true to our unique point of view.
I'm a pretty firm believer that good business strategy starts with a healthy relationship to the self, so most of my business reading these days looks like therapy - and it's made all the difference!” - Catherine Meyer, Ginger Dog Knits
Heather's Pick
The Power of Eight
by Lynne McTaggart
“The Power of 8 brings to light why focusing on others and being intentional contributes to the greater good and in turn to you. In our industry it’s easy to get caught up in data when considering marketing.
At the end of the day, it is all energy, and we are responsible for focusing ours to what will best serve us. I have example after example of how setting intentions for others that do not directly serve my goals results in success achieving them.” - Heather Swan, Yarncom