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Jennifer Parroccini


Curriculum Design & Operations


Jen is a dedicated generalist, passionate about all aspects of small business management and success. She loves to approach a problem with a framework, make decisions using data, and ask the kinds of questions that turn up new answers and perspectives. Whether it's creating a blueprint for your content plan, interpreting analytics, or asking you "what else might be true?", Jen's curiosity and energy help members figure out which lever to pull to create change - and then yank on it!


Before becoming a part of the fiber industry, Jen worked in nonprofit management. She helped design leadership curriculums, spent over 13 years as a CPA, and did plenty of time in budgeting, compliance, HR and payroll, data security, and managerial reporting.

Something you should know:

She believes we can pivot at any moment to make a profound change in our lives, personal OR professional. Constantly interrogating our goals, methods, beliefs, and attitudes can help us grow not just steadily, but exponentially and intentionally.

Community is how we reflect on where we are and where we want to go, and she's passionate about the FBC because of the change it's helped her achieve, and the change she believes it makes possible for every member.

Outside of the FBC:

When Jen isn't working in her role with the FBC, she's working in her role at One Wild Designs where she is cofounder, designer, and consultant. She's passionate about fit and size inclusion, and loves to create sweater patterns that knitters love to make AND wear.

You can find her patterns or book a grading consultation session with her at the button on this page.

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